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re:rolling and cramps

I have never heard or read or researched anything that indicated rolling after a hard ride could cause trouble. Of course, that doesn't mean it ain't so. Assessing the situation using common sense, I would offer my opinion as this. Sometimes when people do a real hard stretch, they get a charlie horse or severe cramp. You can get them in your calves, your back, (that one hurts) or in your butt. If you stretch that muscle or bend a different way you can get rid of it. Does this mean you are stressed? Or are you just winding down? are you lacking something in your nutrition? If you have had a hard workout or long ride and you are tired, don't you find yourself stretching and yawning quite frequently? Would you be better off just standing for the next hour or so?  That is all a horse is doing when they roll. Bug bites and dried sweat are also annoying and a good way to make it feel better is a scratchy roll. Maybe a horse that is crampy after a roll has deficiencies in vitamin C or E or even calcium and if that is addressed the cramps go away. A horse that has to stand for any length of time after a workout will be stiffer and more sore than a horse that is allowed to roll and move about more freely. Also, a good pre-ride and post-ride massage does wonders for a hard working horse. If that doesn't make any sense, go out and run 10 miles and then stand up for the next hour. You will be lucky if you can walk after that. That is just my opinion. Lisa Salas, The Odd fARm

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