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Re: Woolback vs. Skito. Sportsaddle & Supracor

At 08:18 PM 05/22/2001 -0700, Sullivan's wrote:
>Thanks for the info.....and curious how far you have ridden on them (50's?,
>any 100'S?)
>Did your horses have any problems?

Karen -- I bought one at the convention and used it on a few training rides 
before sending it back.

I had wanted to use it on the XP. But there is no way it would have worked 
without putting something on the horses back between the pad and the suede 
trim.  Sort of defeats the purpose if you have to do that.

Might work fine on a one day ride, 50 or 100 though. But definitely not on 
a multiday, at least not on my horses. Darnit!  if they ever fix the trim, 
somebody let me know.


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