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Re: pyrethrins/Freedom product

> Does anyone know if this stuff is toxic if ingested by the horses?  I have
> horses that frequently break off and groom eat other?  This is a daily
> occurrence and I am concerned about putting anything on them at all.
> Thanks,

Nope, no worries if the only active ingredient is pyrethrin.  My first
husband's family used to own a pet pharmaceutical manufacturing company that
made tons of pyrethrins (it's made from chrysanthemums, by the way) and we
were required by the EPA to do a whole string of toxicology studies.  The
only way you could ever harm a warm-blooded species with the stuff is if you
drowned them in a bucket of it.  In the specific case of the horses, it
breaks down within minutes of being exposed to sunshine, so it's essentially
gone by the time the horses start licking each other, it's long gone, and
wouldn't have harmed them even if it weren't.

Just be careful around fish, reptiles, froggies, etc, and never ever dump it
or rinse out a bottle near streams or ponds or such.  :-)

Susan G

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