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Re: One for Susan G

Susan, if you aren't in the midst of finals. . .
I'm curious - what is the point of barley in a COB mix?  My pasture ornaments get about a half pound of oats and a half pound of cracked corn along with an ounce of Farnam's VitaPlus two times a day.  Once a day, they get a half teaspoon of Selenium (I drew blood levels to arrive at that).  Five months a year, the two get free choice grass pasture, the other seven months, free choice first cutting grass/alfalfa mix hay.  I could probably get away with no grain at all, at least for my husband's easy keeper, but his feelings would be hurt.  Anyway, back to my original question, what does barley add?
Hiya Laurie,
Sorry about the long delay, never enough hours dontcha know. :-)
If my office didn't look like a bomb had hit it, I could give you more exact numbers, but the general rationale behind corn-oats-and-barley is that every type of feed has an inherent imbalance in the nutrients it supplies.  For example, corn is the highest energy grain available, but is a poor source of lysine.  Oats are a better source of lysine and zinc but are also higher in fiber, so not as energy dense.  If you mix together the three grains, the strengths of one tend to mediate the weak points of another and you get a better overall nutrient profile, mostly in terms of the amino acids.  That general principle of balancing different feeds applies to forages, protein supplements, minerals, etc as well, not just corn-oats-barley.  There's really only one feed per se that supplies all the nutrients required by an adult horse at maintenance in the right ratios and amounts and that one feed is, you guessed it, good grass pasture.  Everything else we feed is essentially an artificial diet (which is why I crack up over the idea of "natural" rations that aren't any less foreign to the equine digestive system), and so being artificial, we have to play games balancing a dab of this with a pound of that.  Especially when we start asking our horses to do things other than what they're evolved to do, that is, mosey around on the steppes grazing and watching out for cave bears.
Is it a big deal that you're just feeding corn and oats and not barley?  Nah.  You're not missing anything vital.  Yes, you could get away with any grain at all as you suggested, but in your case, the grain is providing Proof That Mommy Loves Me and you can't beat that. :-)))
Sorry again about the delay.
Susan G

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