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Re: RC: RE: Auto vs. manual for towing

In a message dated Sun, 20 May 2001  8:40:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Marlene Moss <> writes:

<< Yeah, and I'm trying to sell my Subaru with a standard (so I can get my next
truck with a standard) and the used car dealerships won't touch it because
it's a standard.  The only way I can get calls on it is if I don't specify
tranny.  I noticed this phenonenom when I lived in DC and NY a few years
ago, but now it's moved to Colorado too.  >>

Gee, too bad we're not in the market for another Subie!  (We have two already...)  

My husband is from Europe, and interestingly enough, it is all but impossible to get automatics in much of Europe.  Their fuel prices are 3-4 times what ours are, in many places, and several countries have pretty much taxed/regulated the automatics out of the marketplace for reasons of fuel economy...  (But then they don't go dashing around in huge pickups to pull monster trailers with their horses in them, either--most of the rides I attended there were populated by small cars pulling lightweight two-horse trailers, with the riders camping in tents.  The few who didn't do that drove light horse vans...)



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