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Re: RC: AERC-Ridecamp-My comments

In a message dated 5/19/01 9:30:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

- I have read this a dozen times, I am SURE there are errors and
comments that are not clear or may offend.

All I can say, Roger, is BRAVO!!!!!

<<2. I am AERC - first, last, always.� The world of Endurance Riding/Racing
here in the USA - DOES� -for me - revolve around AERC.>>

This is exactly the way I believe, and it is very painful to me to hear
someone whine, snivel, and complain about AERC.  Someday I will even learn
how to turn away such negative stuff without becoming defensive and without
putting myself in a position to be harangued about the negative aspects of

Again, BRAVO!


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