Having just finished entering the 47 entries I received in the mail today for
the CFW ride, I have a few more entry tips for riders.
1. Always leave your weight division blank. The ride management can
guess when they see you how much you weigh.
2. Always staple your check to the entry. It may fall out of the
sealed envelope in the post office.
3. Always write the name of your horse, especially if it is an
arabian so that it is not legible. Then you can complain when you don't get
proper credit.
4. Last but not least, don't forget to write your horse's registered
name and the stable name on the entry. Ride management can guess which one
you want. And then you can complain again when you don't get credit.
More tomorrow..........
Don't staple the check to the entry. It will not fall out of the sealed
envelope in the mail box.