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thanks:leg injury

I want to thank all of the people who responded to my email regarding my 
horses leg injury.  Amazingly every one who emailed me said almost the same 
thing.  Lots of time off and build VERY slow.
Update:  The lump on her leg that was sensitive turned out to be an inflamed 
nerve caused by the wrap.  My vet had me apply panolog ointment for three 
days and it is now looking perfect and there is no sensitivity.  My vet also 
said that because the communicator nerve was irritated by the wrap cast that 
was on for a week to help heel the lesions he does not want me to ride her 
with anything on her legs.  I rode her yesterday for 15 minutes (walking 
only) and everything checked out ok.  I am only going to walk her for at 
least two weeks increasing the length of ride in 5 minute increments every 
three days and go from there.
Again I would like to say Thank You!
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