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Yesterday my mare was fine at 8:30 when I arrived home at 3:30 I found her
tender on her front feet mostly the left front all four legs were stocked
up. She was also touchy about her left rear. A slight warmth in each
cornet band no heat in hood wall. The vet was out in half an hour and
treated her with a dietetic, an inflammatory drug and bute. We are to give
her bute twice a day for the next 3 days orally.
She has not had a change in feed. She has been on the same feed for the
last 3 mos. and this is the same feed ration we used last year. I do feed
alfalfa cubes (14% protein) in the winter plus grass hay, lo-pro mix (12%
protein) and beet pulp pellets soaked.
Because of the extreme cold weather we had in Nov and Dec, the vet felt she
was not using the protein the last 2 weeks like she was during the last 2
colder months causing these symptoms of laminitis. We also felt she might
have fallen causing the left side to be more tender than the right. He did
use a hoof testing tool and found very little discomfort. Temp was normal
HR normal.
A few hours after the injections of the meds mentioned above she was no
longer stocked up and moving better. This morning a great improvement and
by this afternoon she was trotting around and demanding the her grain (which
she has not had since this started).
Any ideas would be appreciated.
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