Arizona relocation?
In a couple of weeks I'll be interviewing for a position with a company
south of Pheonix, located in the Gila River Reservation, with a Chandler
address. Of course I am excited about this for many reasons, one of which
is the prospect of year round conditioning!
What areas would I look at for living, riding, and having my own "ranch?"
When I say ranch, please don't think fancy house and barn and many acres.
Couldn't afford a place like that now let alone there. I am curious about
what the area offers. I am not interested in living in Phoenix, and there
are at least 7 four-legged reasons for that: 3 horses, 2 dogs and several
cats. While I am there I hope to check the area out and visit my step neice
in Tucson.
Where are the rides? Where do South Valley endurance riders live and
condition? You may reply to me privately at qhjanet@hotmail.com
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