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Rider Fitness
Wendy Merendini merendiniws@navair.navy.mil
Barbara said :So I decided to sign up at a gym and go for twice
weekly workouts, strength training on various cruel-looking
Barbara you have found the very best way for any endurance rider
to maintain strength, greatly reduce fatigue and become a real
help to your mount!
I have been lifting weights for many years and it is the main
reason that I can finish a 100 mile ride as "tight" in the saddle
as when I started. I just do not get the muscle fatigue that
I see in many riders as the miles go by. I lift about three or
four times a week and really concentrate on upper body strength.
Working your legs is good but as you noticed your leg strength
was already more than most folks because of your riding. Upper
body strength is what will keep you balanced and steady in the
saddle throughout a ride.
I also run - but that is for me because I like to run. Where as
yes I am capable of running with my horse on rides and everyone
should do some kind of cardio fitness for just general health -
it is the weight lifting that really makes the difference in
staving off rider fatigue and delayed reactions that come with
So Barbara - Congratulations and keep it up - if you ever need
a pep talk give me a buzz!
Wendy Merendini
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