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Re: RC: Re: where to get ex-racehorse arabs?
<<The same concept applies to some extent or another with muscle tears,
tie-ups, etc. Once a muscle cell is lysed and totally destroyed, you can't
get it back, it's history. In its place, you often get more fibrotic scar
tissue, which may or may not be significant, but its there. Where muscle,
tendon and ligament tissue are concerned, there really isn't any such thing
as true 100% healing, there is always a compensatory and permanant response
left behind in the form of scar tissue. You just have to decide on an
individual basis whether that damage is significant based on what you want
to do with the horse and what his future stressors will be.>>
Susan, I'm so glad you brought this up, tying up syndrome starts in young
mares on the track very often, and unless you know the complete history of
the horse, this is one more thing to be wary of. Unfortunately, it isn't as
easy to check on as say leg injuries, and has a much higher damage potential
IMO. As you all know, I bought a mare with RER, and thanks to all of you I
finally decided to return her even though I thought she was my "perfect
horse." I'm only bringing this up, not to cause a flame fest, but to warn
the original poster, that while it is very possible to find an ex-racer to go
on to endurance, you must be very, very careful. And like Tammy (Trailrite)
says, it's nice to know the inside scoop on the individual horse.
Judy (learned the hard way too many times)
Wisteria (glad Judy learned the hard way, cause now I'm her favorite spoiled
girl, who she bought when she returned my RER sister)
Shylynn (glad Judy learned the hard way, cause now I'm her favorite spoiled,
trail riding only horse because of an old tendon injury)
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