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Re: RC: Saddles Issues - swayback?

In a message dated 1/10/01 11:54:43 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Thanks for replying.. how do you pad for the sway backed horse?  Do those 
 lift pads work?  >>
    I just add some extra foam padding in the middle to make the saddle level 
and make contact so there is no bridging.  I just buy a good quality foam and 
put it on top of the reg. saddle pad foam.  I then take this out when I ride 
my other horses.  This is why I buy a wide tree saddle.  You can add padding 
but you can't take away pressure from a narrower saddle.  We ride so many 
horses, this would be a joke to have a customize fitted saddle for each one.  
The other thing is, we do multidays,  the horse we start on day 1 doesn't 
look like the same horse on day 5 - 285 miles later.

Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products

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