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Re: Endurance driving competitions

If any one would like information about endurance driving, you can e-mail us
your address E-mail to:  or you can write to Cliff & Kathy
Lewis P.O. Box 157 Silver Springs, NV 89429.  
We have recently revived the National Endurance Driving Assoc.  (NEDA).  The
sport is conducted similarly to endurance riding.  Drivers start one at a
time, after drawing for start number.  There is also an outrider program, and
all of the riders start with the last driver.   It was felt this was a much
safer way to begin to avoid any potential "pileups".  The total elapsed time
for each driver is calculated at the finish taking the different start times
into account.
All of the p/r checks are spot checks, thus the clock never stops.  As soon
as the animal or animals, (teams and multiple hitches are allowed with the
additional stipulation that there must be 1 passenger for each animal,
including the driver.  We have had one entry of 6 mules pulling a
stagecoach.) reach criteria, you proceed to the next stop.  The speed is
entirely up to the driver.
Although it is not unusual to do 50 miles in less than 3 hours, many
competitors may go much slower.  There have been a wide variety of entries
including miniature horses, mules, donkeys and horses of many breeds,
including draft.  The most popular are as you might expect Arabians.  
Vehicles which have been used range from racing bikes off the track, (light
but not very sturdy over rough terrain) to wagons and meadowbrook carts, (not
as effective for making time).  One of the most popular currently in use is a
modified Chariot with a car axle, car tires and a seat.  These are
comfortable, very durable and stable over uneven ground.  Standard well made
horse harness is used.  Most who drive single use breast collar harness, but
collars have been used as well.
The minimum distance for a sanctioned drive is 20 miles, and we have held 1
105 mile race.
Most endurance horses can be trained to pull a cart in a few days.
Driving one or more animals at speed over a distance course is a thrill that
is unsurpassed.  Drivers have ranged in age from 14 to 82, and some of the
outrider have been younger.  It is a sport for all.  Come and join us!

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