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Well, well,well. Touched some nerves did I? I was not bashing Biltmore, just commenting on what many have wrote about. And HELLO, I did say always support ride management.The point of my post was why on earth would anyone want to ride under that kind of pressure?? What happend to "I bet my horse can beat your horse, let's go!" The rules, the segregation, the shirts with collars. What is that all about?  Excuse my "ignorance" but I re-read my own post and I am pretty sure I didn't say anything about money at FEI rides. Just that I didn't like riding for money. FEI riders ride at a higher level? They are the ones who step up to the plate? Well, doesn't that just make the rest of you plain 100 milers just a bit miffed? Their rules protect the horse better than just the plain 'ole AERC rules? I am pretty sure that when I read results of FEI rides, the pull rate is extremely high. Is it because the vets are so tough or because the horses are ridden so hard? Tevis has an almost 50% pull rate also. Are the plain "ole AERC rules not working there, either? I am quite sure I have read in advertisements help wanted at endurance training facilities. Help with training, crewing, breeding etc,. Maybe they do it for free, I would. Since I don't have $20 million dollars to take a space ride, I think I read that right here on this planet. I am so sorry  a few of you were offended by my comments. Maybe I am ignorant. But I am not arrogant. Maybe I am not cut out to compete at the FEI "level" anyway. I use paper plates. Ride 'em any way you can. Lisa Salas, The Odd Farm

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