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Re: RC: Strangles
In a message dated Mon, 7 May 2001 12:28:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Carolyn Burgess" <carolyn_burgess@hotmail.com> writes:
<< I used to board at a facility that had strangles go through the barn about 5
years before I got there. My mare had never been vacinated for strangles,
but was off the track after racing for many years. She never contracted
strangles from this place, and I still don't have her vacinated. Another
horse that moved there shortly after I did had spent it's entire life at one
facility and had contact with only one other horse it's entire life. 2
weeks after it moved there it was a snot factory. The most disgusting
disease I've ever seen. It took about 6 weeks for the disease to complete
resolve. No other horse got sick. I don't know if this means that somehow
my mare has immunity that has lasted a lifetime or if she was just lucky.>>
The mare from the track could very well have had an immunity from prior exposure, or may have simply had a strong enough immune system not to come down with the disease from a mild exposure at the new facility. In either event, as long as she continues to live in an environment where there is constant low-level immunity, she is, in essence, being "vaccinated" by the environment, and could very well maintain an immunity. This is not the same scenario as a horse that is not exposed again, and hence has no stimulation of its immune "memory" of strangles--it is horses without continued exposure that will lose their immunity.
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