    Check it Out!    
There is strangles
happening where I board, too. There was lot of
about the
vaccinations, whether or not to use antibiotics, what does
looke like, etc.
etc. A lot of upset people, not the management's fault,
They did the best
they could to keep the sick horses isolated.
When I first moved my
horses to the Bay Area, I was warned that a
certain place had
"strangles in the ground." So I vaccinated my
before I moved them,
and there hadn't been a case of strangles there
that I know of during
the three summers I boarded there.
I almost opted NOT to
get the strangles intranasal vac because it's only
60% effective.
I did it anyway, just because of the boarders' paranoia
a fever pitch and I
really didn't want to be accused of not doing the best for
my horses and/or
spreading the contagion. But a horse that did get
vaccinated came down
with strangles because she was put back into
the pasture that had
the first outbreak at our place to begin with,
after her
And one horse sharing
that pasture went was first identified as having strangles
and put in with the
quarantined horses, then not, then having it again and now
we know he has it for
sure. Another case we suspect that the owner
jumped the gun and
put her horses in with the sick horses and if she
wasn't sick before,
she is sure sick now!
It's an ugly disease,
but not normally fatal. I grew up (I'm showing my age)
where we all had
chickenpox, measles and mumps and now those disease
have theoretically
been vaccinated away. I survived all these childhood
diseases and now have
immunity to them. A horse with strangles will
have immunity too
once they get over it. Don't have to worry about the
vaccinations anymore. Not saying that it's a good idea to
your horse to
strangles. It's a drag and a worry to have a horse
strangles but it's
not necessarily the end of the world.
Last weekend, I
notice a bump - just under the skin - and made the
mistake of showing a
fellow boarder. Even though it was isolated
close to the skin on
his neck and I DID discover a tick right in the
middle of it, she was
so paranoid it was strangles, she insisted that
the management see
it. Of course, they weren't home! I convinced
her that he showed
absolutely no other signs of being sick, got his feed
bucket and he
whinnied and pranced appropriately so that she could
leave the barn
without blowing a cork.
My darn farrier (that
I just fired because of three sprung shoes) won't come
to our barn because
of the strangles.
No new cases, so
hopefully things will go back to normal soon. I just
can't stand the
hysteria that is going along with it.
FN:Kathy Mayeda
TITLE:Electrical Designer
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(408) 436-8300 ext: 239
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ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;97 East Brokaw Road=0D=0ASuite 300;San Jose;CA;95112;USA
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:97 East Brokaw Road=0D=0ASuite 300=0D=0ASan Jose, CA 95112=0D=0AUSA
    Check it Out!    
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