health certificate
elayne hnic452@aol.com
I'm planning on taking my 2 horses to the Pyramid ride in KY
next month and just found out I need a health certificate to
come into Ky. My horses had their vaccines and coggins exactly
two weeks ago, yet the vet said he must come out a few days prior
to the ride and give them a 'check up' in order for me to get the
certificate. That means about a 175. bill on top of the ride fees. Is this how all vets handle giving a certificate? In all
my information I've picked up reading Ride Camp, I don't believe
I've heard this subject mentioned. How many states require
Certificates? Do many of you run into this problem or are your
vets more willing to give you one by fax if they are the primary
caretakers of your horses?
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