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Re: RC: housework & horses

> you ought to look in the house - if it's clean, pass on the horse.  
> If you aren't sure you'd want to live there, take the horse home!

I have a whole story written on this subject called "Bad Housekeeping". 
The directors asked me to donate article to Endurance News and I donated
that one first.  They said they'll get it in when they can but I wondered
if they didn't think it was all that endurance related.  I think ya'll
have proven me right. >g<  by the way, Bill bought me a plaque that says,
"Dull Women have Imaculate Houses" >g<  

Last week Bill announced that the appraiser would be here the next day
since we're refinancing.  To heck with the dirty house, I trimmed bridle
paths and cleaned the barn till midnight getting ready for him.

Angie  ... Off to wash dishes that still have electrolyte syringes from 
Saturday *before* last floating in the sink..and I don't have any more
chairs to dump the loads of clean laundry on. 
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