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training/conditioning question (long)

>>i always do lots of walking warm-up in the arena and get 
> him focused and listening before we head out on the trails. >>>>and >
then....> on the way out:> he spooks at the same broken-down tractor on
the  side of the road and shies around >>the same cows he sees every

Thank you so much for posting this.  It does my heart good to hear that
even if I had bothered to break Kaboot before we started competing he
might still act like this. >g<  I feel sure that he would simply use his
"focusing" time in the arena to plot what he's going to do next.  We've
been shying at the same broken down tractor now for 3 years...and
cows...UG, he actually balked a little at passing a cowpasture in
competition last week!  Consider your time riding away from home as
*your* workout.  This is when you develop those inner leg muscles.
SQUEEZE, step, SQUEEZE, step.  I find that once I get past a certain
point he picks it up and decides to just hurry up and get the whole ride
over with.  However, I NEVER let him "run" home.  We trot in a sort of
maniacal exaggerated manner, but not run.  In my case it works best to do
my 15 min. warmup walk to get away from home.  Once he's past the
magnetic pull of the homeplace you can get into that trot.  It's also
easier to shy past the tractor & cows as part of my warmup.  I guess I'm
kind of lucky in that just past my 15 minute walk I have a mountain that
I go up fast.  For some reason he thinks he should run up it.  Then once
we hit the top he sort of relaxes and we turn back and mosey on home.


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