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Fallon Ride-in memory of Doris Anderson
A good time was had by all....at least we didn't get snowed on in camp
like they did at my house. About a foot in Gardnerville and it sure
did a number on my trees. At the ride site, which was s/e of Fallon
near the town of Stillwater...it rained, bloody rained all night. But
it was a nice day on Saturday. Got snowed on a little when we got to
the mountains, but no biggee. The ride starts out on a long flat road
then turns towards the mountains up washes and beautiful canyons. The
first vet check was at 15 miles and then you go on up the mountain ,
around and down, back up some nice canyons and washes on the next 20
mile loop back to the vet check. Good footing mostly....lots of
traveling time. From the 1 hr check after 35 mi you head home on a nice
downhill road (however, it had been freshly graded and the MUD was
awesome). Ride management did a good job. It was well marked and
overall I think we did about 5000 ' of climb. Everyone finished in good
time. There were about 23- 50milers (all finished) and 12 - 30 milers
(all finished) Several first time riders. 1st place & Best Condit. went
to Dave Cootware on his Bez horse. The BBQ after was really terrifc.
Too bad so many people had to cancel due to weather conditions and
getting over the pass. They plan to make it an annual event & even have
a stuffed Chukar perpetual trophy award (SO Nevada).
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