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Re: RC: Red Shoes
At 10:50 AM 04/22/2001 -0700, beth glover wrote:
>"Is that blood on the feet? Is the horse bleeding?" We weren't sure if
>there was blood and easy boots, or just red easy boots. Why do they have
>red easy boots? Besides black, don't they make another color? Does it make
>veterinarians look suspiciously at the horse because of the red--like a
>red flag in front of a bull? Beth
Hi Beth: The red boots are easier to see if you're trotting along and
looking down to see if they are there. Black boots can be really hard to
see if you've been thru mud, they really blend in. Red ones are also
easier to find.
Some vets do have a problem with red boots *especially* if you've got on
one red boot and one black one.
It's kind of funny, now when somebody goes into a vet check with only one
easyboot on, the vets will usually say "hey did you know you lost an
easyboot?" (they are assuming you started out using them on both
feet). When I first started using them, they would often write it down on
the vet card "horse in easyboots", as if it was something to look out
for! I can't count the # of times I've been asked why my horse has
easyboots on.
One time at a ride (speaking of red feet and blood), and some guy is going
down the trail on a grey horse. I say to him, hey I think your horse is
bleeding. His whole foot was bloody, but it was hard to tell much from the
back. He says yeah I know, but I put an easyboot on and now I can't get it
off. He didn't know to cut the back down on it, and the horse was getting
cut up in the back. The guy just kept riding his horse downhill, it was
pretty lamed up by the time he got to the vetcheck. I hate to see people
not knowing any better.
- References:
- Red Shoes
- From: "beth glover" <bgloverhrsewmn@hotmail.com>
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