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Syringing elytes
>Celeste Murray wrote:
>> Good advice Jim. But Tracy should take note of the fact that here it is
ilegal to administer anything via syringe once you are on ridecamp property.
If anything needs to be administered via syringe it is assumed medcation is
being administered and the horse is either disqualified due to a problem or
will be disqualified shortly due to a problem.>>
Gads! Didn't know that. Of course, having spent my formative years around
showjumpers who have no compunction in shooting their horses up before a
round (after taking a snort or two themselves of course), this didn't occur
to me.
Hmmm....wonder if I'll have similar problems with syringing before an event?
I have decided not to use choc chip yoghurt, to be on the safe side, even
though it's Toc's favourite.
Jim wrote:
>How do you give electrolytes? In the feed? How would you do it on the
trail? <
Good question. Celeste?
>Ahem....this doesn't seem to be in the best interests of the horse. What
purpose does this serve?<
Ah, perhaps Jim needs to spend some time out here.....
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