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Re: Re: Susan : Toc's salt intake
Sue wrote:
>If it's recommended they have "x" amount of electrolytes "x" times before a
competition, I want to make sure that it
actually gets into their body.<
These are homemade elytes, so there is no recommended dosage. I've just
played around with it, and have got it to a level where both horses are
drinking well (and for Toc actually to drink says something!) and not
dehydrating after hard work. The other nice thing I've noticed is that Toc
is now sweating when he works. A while ago I posted that he sweated very
little, but now he's sweating well. (Only eventers and endurance riders
could get excited over the prospect of a sweaty horse!)
>We mix ours with applesauce (the flavored kinds are colored -- you can tell
if they're spitting it out more easily <g>) and put it in a 60cc syringe
with a "catheter tip". We've learned the administration preferences of each
horse -- some are fine with a bolus "shooter" but others prefer it in small
amounts at a time. We'll do whatever we need to do to make sure that
they get as close to "x" amount as possible.<
When I'm doing roadwork in Summer, I'll sometimes take a syringe with elytes
mixed with yoghurt. It makes a paste, so is harder to spit out, and he
likes the taste (go figure). I like to put it in an old dewormer syringe.
I'll use that at an event as well.
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