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Re: tall vs short horses
But every now and then it seems like he is trying to hard to
cover more ground because of his short legs.
Short horses are allways looking out for them selfs and (I find) they hardly ever trip or fall down. And when them little guys feel like there trying harder to cover ground , they are going faster then you think. I ride a little 13.2 hh Spanish Mustang mare and we allways complete and she has never been lame.
Look at the Jim Jones winner for 2000 , hes 13.3hh 875 pounds His rider is a 5' 9 ,180 pound rider that rides in a 40 pound stock saddle!!
Geronimo did 2240 miles last year and he was never lame .
I would take a short horse over a tall one any day. I KNOW I'll get there.
Stacie Funk
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