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Susan : Toc's salt intake
Susan wrote:
>25 grams isn't all that much, so I wouldn't worry about it either way.<
>However, if you just provide the salt free-choice, Toc will eat what he
needs---all salt is the *only* mineral that you can say that about, BTW.<
I tried that. Won't touch the stuff. I tried a salt lick in his stable,
which eventually simply disintegrated after it had hung there a year and
been ignored. I tried loose salt in the paddock, which was treated with
similar disdain. The only time he ever ate a mineral lick was when I bought
a really expensive Blokkie from a feed store, which was so laced in molasses
it's just not funny. He ate it in half an hour, and at R30,00 a block, I'm
NOT buying him more!
He does have a penchant for potato crisps, so I was tempted to buy the salt
and vinegar flavour and put them in his paddock, but after your post to
Angie, I've canned that idea >grin>
>Probably better that way, as he might needs more than 25 grams. Also, too
much salt tends to decrease their intake of food---they can be kind of funny
that way, they may need several ounces of salt, but don't necessarily want
it in the their food at high concentration. <
But the only way I can get it into him is to put it in his food. I usually
add 1 TBS per meal and he eats it without worrying. But then, he'll eat
>E'lyting several days before/after an event is fine, but I would do it via
syringe and not added to his food.<
Okay. Any reason for this other than to make sure he eats it?
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