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Re: For Susan G - supplement question
> Okay, so now I'm worried and confused again. I supplement with my
> elytes daily, by adding 25 grams to the horses feed in Summer. Our
> are really hot, and I don't have much shade, so the horses tend to sweat a
> lot even if they're not worked. Before a show, I'll increase the elytes
> doubling the amount three days before and five days after a show. In
> winter, I just add coarse salt to their food.
> Is this wrong? Am I wasting money (I do add multivitamins to the feed
> anyway, so maybe I am?) Also, bear in mind that Toc tends not to drink
> much, even after hard work in the heat.
25 grams isn't all that much, so I wouldn't worry about it either way.
However, if you just provide the salt free-choice, Toc will eat what he
needs---all salt is the *only* mineral that you can say that about, BTW.
Probably better that way, as he might needs more than 25 grams. Also, too
much salt tends to decrease their intake of food---they can be kind of funny
that way, they may need several ounces of salt, but don't necessarily want
it in the their food at high concentration. There was a study published a
ways back that tried this out and they found that herbivores will eat more
of an unsalted food (with salt available on the side) than they will
heavily salted food.
E'lyting several days before/after an event is fine, but I would do it via
syringe and not added to his food.
Susan G
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