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There are two judges in NATRC.
Horsemanship and a Vet judge.  The vet judge looks at the horse and the
soundness, manners and willingness to abide by the riders wishes.

NATRC looks horsemanship skills.  For example, the way the rider asks the
horse to handle a natural obstacle on the trail.  Crossing a log, a stream,
a river, etc. Balance of the rider, use of hands (soft, hard) and legs
(proper position)

NATRC is a two day competition, whereas most endurance rides are one day.
(Note, I said most!)  Some will say that NATRC has more rules.
For Instance, NATRC horses must be tied to the trailer or to a tether.
No protective boots can be used (splint boots, sports medicine boots, etc)

For instance, NATRC has a minimum and a maximum time that you have to do the
course in.  For instance, 30 miles at 5 miles per hour with two 15 minute
P&R checks.   Ride time would be minimum 6:30 - maximum 7 hours.

If you have tried AERC and a LD ride, then try you hand at NATRC and see
which environment is best for you.

Both sports are looking out for the best interest of the horse.  Both want
the horses to finish sound and healthy and to be able to come out and do it
Both sports have wonderful people involved dedicated to the welfare of their

Good luck and have fun riding, whichever sport you choose!


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