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Re: RC: RE: Pot Bellied horse
On a different list someone posted that her vet told her the Panacur purge would
also get tapes and reccomended it to get rid of the tapes they detected in one
of her horses. I'd never heard that before. Anyone else know anything about
"Snodgrass, Bonnie" wrote:
> Have you done a double dose of Strongid for tape worms? Twice a year is a
> good plan. I've seen tapes cause this appearance in horses before.
> Bonnie Snodgrass
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angie Nathe [mailto:angie_nathe@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 3:32 PM
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: RC: Pot Bellied horse
> I have a question for all you wise ones! I have a 4 yr old Arab that
> has been wormed on time since I bought him last July however he has a
> pot belly still. I just recently wormed him with Zimectrin and followed up
> about a week later with Strongid. Could this be just from being on hay all
> winter? I am considering trying Strongid daily but I don't know if that is
> the best thing either. My vet said that a lot of horses that have a pot
> belly get rid of it on a daily however I have also heard that it is not good
> on the horse. Any suggestions are appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Angie Nathe
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