I started my 10 year old chestnut arab gelding on one lb beat pulp and one 1
lb equine senior am and pm everyday approx. two weeks ago. for the past week
he has had crusty yellow sores around his flank area and sheath area. I
believed it was fly bites because the little knats and flys appeared right
around the same time. Tonight ( I just returned from my visit with my horses
) he appears to have hives all up and down his sides. He has also been some
what more pushy recently and very excited about his food. I also feed grass
hay (20-30 lbs per horse daily) but since I have started to give him his
(treats) he has been very demanding. Testy to be exact. I believe he is
irritated.I think he is having a allergic reaction to either the beat pulp or
the equine senior. Has anyone experienced this? I feel that I should
elimanate both products and see what happens. Maybe it is the molassis?? If
anyone has any insight on this please share with me . Thanks Linda ( been
envolved one way or another with endurance since 1980 (1000 miles)