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RE: MSM & the Police
would guess that your local police are trying to track down a local drug
manufacturer/dealer (as in illegal narcotics) who is using MSM as a base to
which some sort of narcotic is being added before going into capsules or bags.
They are trying to trace sales of bulk MSM back to this dealer or something. Not
an easy job to get these crooks off the streets. Yes they should return your
call but nothing to make an issue out of either, unless of course you are who
they're looking for????? Just kiddiiinnnnng!
Wednesday I shopped at Wilco Farm Stores in McMinnville, Oregon.
Needed dog
food and MSM. I couldn't find the MSM so asked for
it as I was checking out
and found out that it is now kept under lock and
key and you have to show
your driver's license and give your phone number
to buy it. This information
is also recorded in their "drug" book.
Once they have the info then they
unlock the case and you can get
your MSM! They claim the police department
requested them to do this
and it is the right of the police department to get
your drivers license #
any time they want. Well, I don't take real well to
invasion of personal space in the good ole U.S. of A. Has anyone
else had
this experience with buying MSM? So far the local police
department has not
returned my phone call but I will persist.
have an old horse with arthritis so I do consider this a horse question but
I know there are lots of people here and I'm hoping maybe a vetinarian,
police officer or maybe even a lawyer can pass along some info on this.
Kathleen Yielding
since 1968
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