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Re: RC: Re: Helmets another point of view
At 12:39 AM 4/11/2001 -0400, RunRoskoRun@aol.com wrote:
>My worst nightmare realized, I was UNDER the scrambling horse.
>About this time I heard my guardian angel SCREAMING at me to let go of the
>damn reins.
>The moral of the story? Let go of the reins
I had an accident with one of my horses where he fell with me. I landed to
his side. I, too, did not let go of the reins. If I had, I probably would
have been all right. When he started to get up, he put both of his front
feet on the inside of my right lower leg and stood up! All his weight went
onto my leg. I still had those reins! When I finally did let go, the
horse just went about 20 feet from me and stopped! I had tremendous
bruising for quite awhile, but fortunately no broken bones. If anything
like this happens again, I hope I will let go!
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