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Re: Helmets
> Kirstin cremedalacreme@hotmail.com said:
> Did you know after an impact ( more than a scratch or dent ) to your helmet you should have it sent to the manufacturer for inspection? Well...I didn't, but my mom informed me of it. You should also replace your helmet every 3 years.
Every 5 years is enough, actually, but it's very important.
> So where your helmet they have new ones out that are cool, comfortable, and light as a feather.
Just wore my new Troxel AT yesterday for the first time. Feels like
wearing a baseball cap (only safer). Now I have 2! Tossing out a 5
year-old one this week.
And no, we don't need to start the "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Wind in My Hair" thread again, thank you.
* * *
Abby Bloxsom
ARICP Certified Instructor
Level III Recreational and Distance Riding
Colebrook, CT USA
- References:
- Helmets
- From: "guest@endurance.net" <guest@endurance.net>
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