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Re: RC: 100 in a day vs 250 over four days
At 10:35 AM 04/09/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Ray O. rno2m@virginia.edu
> Which would be harder on the horse?
Well, it all depends on the course and how it is ridden, the experience
level of the rider and horse. I don't know if there is an answer.
Obviously, going 250 miles is 2.5x longer. For a 100 miler the horse only
has to be sound for one day, 24 hours. For a multiday, they have to stay
sound day after day after day after day. Makes for a different challenge,
each one unique......hard to compare. I don't know of any courses off hand
that are 100 milers in addition to being a couple of days of a multiday, so
anything you compare is apples and oranges. I think some of the smartest
riders I know are multiday riders (and most of them ride 100's as well, so
maybe it's really the other way around<G>). I think you learn a lot more
and your horse does to, doing multidays.
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