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Re: RC: Texas Bluebonnet Photos
At 02:41 PM 4/8/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Jonni <jonnij@ntws.net>
>I enjoyed taking photos at the Texas Bluebonnet ride over the
>weekend, and meeting some of you. Since we are the "new Texans" AKA
>California escapees it will take me awhile to put names and faces
>together. I am sure I will be at more rides in the region, either
>riding, or maybe as the photographer. I am not new to the sport, as I
>got involved in the early or mid 80's, either riding, or taking
>pictures, just new to the area.
>And if you had to leave early, and did not see your photo, please
>drop me an e-mail, and I will see what I have. Remember, its free to
>look...no obligation to buy<grin>.
>See y'all down the trail.
>Jonni Jewell
Jonni, I'm going to forward your msg to my friend who is boarding her new
horse with me. He was entered in his 1st 50 and did well. She left and
forgot to check for her pictures.
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