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Cushings Disease
kittiesrule1 jan.bs@att.worldnet.net
There is a guy in Wyoming that sells an herbal supplement to feed to horses with cushings disease. As long as the horse is fed the supplement the cushings disease will go away, but will return when not given the supplement. This man does NOT advertise and you have to say you got his number from someone who uses his product. His name is Ralph Schauss number is 307-266-5310. Address is 102 W. G St., Casper, WY 82601-1446. The stuff is expensive but I know it works. a friend of mine has an 18 yr old gelding. tested pos. for cushings. she got the supplement fed him for 30 days then returned the horse for testing. the vet thought she had brought the wrong horse cause the cushings was gone. horse shed off long hair he had had for 3 years all year round and started slimming down.
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