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Fw: Legislative alert involving all horse people
- To: <Webmaster@horse-guide.com>, "Vernon Ezell" <vernon@pcisys.net>, "Valerie Zampino" <miss-z@nilenet.com>, "Valerie Zampino" <vzampino@ks1075.com>, "Valerie Kanavy" <vkanavy@rica.net>, "Ute" <DocUte@aol.com&g>, "Tupa Becky" <Becky.Tupa@phs.com>, "Trish McCaughin" <eveningstr@tritel.net>, "Trish Kaweck" <tkaweck@hotmail.com>, <TripleCArabians@gateway.net>, "Tom Martino & Troubleshooter Help Center" <help@troubleshooter.com>, "Tom Manaraze" <LUCKYSTRIPES1@aol.com>, "Terri Camp--Ignite the Fire!" <Terri@ignitethefire.com>, "Teresa Van Hove" <vanhove@ucar.edu>, "Teddy Lancaster" <Teddy@runningbear.com>, "Tamara Wallington" <tamara@bewellnet.com>, "T and K Blocksdorf" <info@twelvestoneyacres.net>, "Syndi Scott" <syndiscott@yahoo.com>, <SWARHOE@aol.com>, <SuzieQuest@aol.com>, "Susie Dinsmore" <kbandita@mailcity.com>, "Susan Schomburg" <sschom@platte1.k12.wy.us>, "Susan Foley" <saratoga_susie@hotmail.com>, "Susan Evans Garlinghouse" <suendavid@worldnet.att.net>, "Sue Romero" <hawkwood@bacavalley.com>, "Sue Horne" <esteme@aol.com>, "Steve Rutter" <rutter@dakotacomm.net>, "Steph Teeter" <step@fsr.com>, "Steffany Conrad" <sconrad@holly.colostate.edu>, <Stanzablue@aol.com>, "Spencer, Kim" <Kim.Spencer@njc.cccoes.edu>, "Skoglund, Linnea" <Linnea.Skoglund@anheuser-busch.com>, "Shirley Taylor" <TARAWESTSAT@aol.com>, "SHERI STANKORB" <sheris8@earthlink.net>, "Sharon Wagner" <hollyb@webtv.net>, "Serena Davidson" <serenad@capital.net>, "SaRaH Kaweck" <sarah_k530@yahoo.com>, "Sandy Skinner" <sandys@zianet.com>, "Sandy Poe" <SPOE94@aol.com>, "Sandy Erskine" <Sanerskie@aol.com>, "Sandy Dorr" <ARATACK@aol.com>, "Sandy Alleckson" <talleckson@iolusa.com>, "S. Stark" <quincy@u.washington.edu>, "Ruth & Art Chapman" <ruart@frii.com>, "Ron Thomson" <rthomson@gci.net>, "Ron Holm" <holmappraising@home.com>, "Roger Read" <lsread@worldnet.att.net>, "Roger Blalock" <carmen@hiwaay.net>, "Robert W. Atherton" <Atherton@uwyo.edu>, <RJO1068@aol.com>, "Rita Schlim" <rschlim@juno.com>, "Rita Affleck" <Ritaandash@aol.com>, "ride camp" <ridecamp@endurance.net>, "Rich Childs" <WTarabappy@aol.com>, <RcngFanNo3@aol.com>, "Ray Winn" <RWinn0009@aol.com>, "Randy H Eiland" <renegade12@juno.com>, "Ralph Kewish" <rkewish@rmi.net>, <pumabay@uswest.net>, <ppoff@hsonline.net>, "popestr" <popestr@gateway.net>, "pj janas" <pj_janas@hotmail.com>, "Phillip Cantu" <phillipcantu2001@yahoo.com>, "Penny Skoglund" <Penny.Skoglund@njc.cccoes.edu>, <PawlowskiL@aol.com>, "Patty Steng" <engpa2@hotmail.com>, "Patti Bailey" <phase2@foothill.net>, "Patricia Henslee" <henslee@triax.com>, "PATRICIA HENSLEE" <phenslee@bigplanet.com>, "Pat Merkle" <MKOnyxArab@aol.com>, "Pat Leland" <PLeland@aol.com>, "Paschal Karl" <pkdk812@gwtc.net>, "Pamela Masi" <pamelamasi@yahoo.com>, "Nelson, Anna" <anelson@foulston.com>, <nawrocki@videotron.ca>, "Nat & Richard" <trailride@foothill.net>, "Nancy Loving" <nsloving@ix.netcom.com>, "Myra Rooney" <rooneyx2@yahoo.com>, "Murray Junior High" <murray.middle.school@ridgecrest.ca.us>, "MRER" <MRERENDUR@yahoo.com>, <MMCTED@aol.com>, <MKas597644@aol.com>, <Minaxminax@aol.com>, "Michelle Fink" <michrowe@redwrench.com>, "Michelle Bonfils" <mdbonfils@hotmail.com>, "Michele Jay" <jaym@lamar.colostate.edu>, "Michael Troxler" <mtgdgrafxboy@pcisys.net>, "Michael Staley" <Michael.Staley@wcom.com>, "Michael Maul" <Michael.Maul@nsc.com>, "Melanie Chumley" <imagechum@aol.com>, "Meister, Julie" <jkmeist@uswest.com>, <Masev11111@aol.com>, "MARY ELLEN SHOEMAKER" <bearshoe@citrus.infi.net>, "Marsha Barney" <extreema@bwn.net>, "Mark Daily" <mrdaily@mail.com>, "Mark and Erica DeVoti" <ponyexpress@frontier.net>, "Marjorie Cannon" <boomx2@earthlink.net>, "Marciniak, Michele" <Marciniak.Michele@mayo.edu>, "MacGregor Arabians" <macgregor@ccaccess.net>, "Lynn Oslick" <Blufethr23@aol.com>, "Lynn Fossey" <lfossey@email.msn.com>, "Lynn Cudlip Mark Daily" <lyncdl@rmi.net>, "Lovell" <LOVELLBAGS@aol.com>, <Louisa_Pierce@ne.3com.com>, <Loriehorse1@aol.com>, "lori_hammond" <lori_hammond@email.msn.com>, "Lois" <Lois@wennercpa.com>, "Lisa Cochran" <lcochran@kc.net>, "Lisa Ashbach" <samaia@earthlink.net>, <links@webpony.com@frances.yourwebhost.com>, "Linda Woolley" <lindagwoolley@hotmail.com>, "Linda Voigt" <emu4@mssl.uswest.net>, "Linda Van Ceylon" <lindavaneq@hotmail.com>, "Linda Landis" <Linda.Landis@CodyEnergy.com>, "Linda Howard" <wehowa@ix.netcom.com>, "Linda Fisher" <kenlyn@idcomm.com>, "linda everett" <lindaeverett@email.com>, "Linda Adams" <lindaadams179@att.net>, "Linda" <lruette@du.edu>, "Lia Matarrese" <lmatarrese@hotmail.com>, "Lewis Cini" <farrier@ispdr.net.au>, <Leethielen@aol.com>, "Laurie Ildau" <lildau@du.edu>, "Lauren Stocchetti" <stocchel@mail.nwc.whecn.edu>, <larryandbonnie@juno.com>, "Larry Kissel" <lkkissel@juno.com>, <KymColter@cs.com>, "Kristy Young" <barrelracerky@hotmail.com>, "Kris Hazelbaker" <shajarah@cybrquest.com>, "kirt l" <klander@ctaz.com>, "Kim Proctor" <ragsman01@yahoo.com>, "Kerri Traynor" <TraynoKL@co.larimer.co.us>, "Ken Schleman" <schlemans@starband.net>, "Kelli Waxman" <waxmanranch@safeaccess.com>, <kbandita@lycos.com>, "Katie Backer" <infynitie@hotmail.com>, <KathyLewiss@aol.com>, "Kathy Troxler" <teamtroxarab@pcisys.net>, "Kathy Klein" <FindaKlein@aol.com>, "Karen Anderson" <Psychninja@aol.com>, "Kara Nunes" <knunes@tribune.com>, "Juliette Kohrs" <dixiedaisy_do@yahoo.com>, "Juliette Kohr" <juliette.dace@jeppesen.com>, "Juliette Dace" <jcd@idcomm.com>, "Judy Eacker" <JLEACKER@aol.com>, "Joy B" <joynetara@oz-online.net>, "John Hafkemeyer" <hafke7@netins.net>, "Joe Long" <jlong@mti.net>, <JimHinCO@yahoo.com>, "Jim Sewell" <jim.gail@sk.sympatico.ca>, "Jim and Peggy Thompson" <thompsj@ortonville.k12.mn.us>, "Jill Hughes" <jhughes@scitor.com>, <Jhupbin@aol.com>, "Jess Wiltamuth" <wiltamuth@yahoo.com>, "Jennifer Collins" <jcoll@iaha.com>, "Jennifer \(Pam Low\)" <Oops7@aol.com>, "Javier Villanueva" <javaman@oneimage.com>, "Janine Wilder" <jwilders@worldnet.att.net>, "Janet E. Matthews Mi Bianchino" <jedin@bright.net>, "Jan Stevens" <forthowes@hotmail.com>, "Jackie Bumgardner" <jbumgard@ridgenet.net>, "Ian" <IwArabians@aol.com>, "Holly Ulyate" <beztez1@yahoo.com>, "Hilary Roberts" <hilary.roberts@gte.net>, "Harriet Aiken" <daiken@tds.net>, <Granola129@aol.com>, "Goodman, Angeline" <GoodmanAngeline@PRAIntl.COM>, "Glenda Williams" <glendavw@placer.ca.gov>, "Ginny and George Backer" <backer.george@home.com>, "George Taglioli" <1horse2many@home.com>, "Garrett Ford" <easycar2@primenet.com>, "Frank Solano" <DVERITAS@aol.com>, <FourWindsArabian@gateway.net>, "famendler" <famendler@email.msn.com>, "Erin Clark" <egibbs2@yahoo.com>, "Erika Dehmel" <orangelula@yahoo.com>, "Ells Jet" <ellsjet@gwtc.net>, "Ellen Snoeyenbos" <jellow@in-tch.com>, "Ellen Lovett" <elnlovt@jps.net>, "Elaine M. Bettez-Wabel" <bet-wab@juno.com>, "Dwight Badgley" <dwight@trailcentral.com>, "Duane Rhoades" <Duane.Rhoades@worldnet.att.net>, "Dorothy Sue Phillips" <friends@imt.net>, "Donna Whispering Hill Farm" <dshelatree@csonline.net>, "Donna Holm" <donnabird@home.com>, <DiCamillo@zianet.com>, "Dianne Kuhn" <dkuhn@mayo.edu>, "Diane Janson" <whereisdarla@echoquest.net>, "Diane Authier" <diane.authier@gsa.gov>, "Diana Zettlemoyer" <dianaz@ecentral.com>, "Dennis Valentine" <dandcval@earthlink.net>, "Dennis & Lee Ackerman" <shamalik@worldnet.att.net>, "Denise Pfalmer" <dpfalmer@rmi.net>, "Denise Pfalmer" <d_pfalmer@hotmail.com>, "Denise Fisher" <denise_fisher@hotmail.com>, "Deborah Barber" <drakems@auburn.campus.mci.net>, "Debi Sangor" <chevalierfarms@msn.com>, "Debbie DeBaun" <deeksmom@worldnet.att.net>, "Dawn Perrine" <dawn@equinecare.net>, "Dawn Perrine" <redawn@got.net>, "Dave Nicholson" <theduck@color-country.net>, "Darrell Dye" <Rockinpony@aol.com>, "Dana" <dananip@allwest.net>, "Dale Roop" <ustztt@msn.com>, "Cynthia Wrate" <cwrate@interbaun.com>, "Cynthia Richardson" <cynrich213@aol.com>, "Corry Clinton" <corry@horsesdacor.com>, "Connie Hoge" <hhmstead@msn.com>, "Collins, Judy" <jcollins@arabianhorseamerica.com>, "Claudia Benedict" <cbenedict@ci.fort-collins.co.us>, "Chris Allred" <callred@nwco.quik.com>, "Chip & Robin Burnside" <chipco@sprynet.com>, "Cheryl McCulloch" <cherylm@ci.aspen.co.us>, "Cherry" <cb-equi@netcomuk.co.uk>, "Cathi Trevino" <cathi.trevino@gsa.gov>, "Carol Marra" <mcarol13@qwest.net>, "Carol Bischoff" <carolbisch@aol.com>, "Burleigh McCune" <JimmieMac5@aol.com>, "Bruce Roberts" <brucer@alink.net>, "Bruce Burnham" <bburn523@yahoo.com>, "Brigitt Colburn-Helm" <Bctoolin@cs.com>, "Brian Fisher" <brian24@quest.com>, "Brian Fisher" <bfish24@hotmail.com>, "Brad Patterson" <Brad@GoRide.Org>, "Bonnie Olson" <bolson@ci.colospgs.co.us>, "Bonnie Cornely" <bcornely@3rivers.net>, "Bombey Sapphire Katie" <bombey_sapphire@hotmail.com>, "Bianca Chevalier" <cheval@vci.net>, "Beverly Day" <bday@viant1.vianow.com>, "Beverly Day" <bday@viant1.vianow.com>, "Bev Rankin" <brankin@accesswire.net>, "Betty and Ken Wolgram" <bkwranch@cmn.net>, "Bernita & Jerry Barfield" <barfield@primenet.com>, "Becky Tupa" <Becky2pa@aol.com>, "Barney" <endurancevet@zianet.com>, "Barbara Boodell" <bbarn@tde.com>, "Annie George" <ageorge@vtc.net>, "Ann Roy" <BROKER4YOU@aol.com>, "Angela M Crane" <adream66@juno.com>, "Andrew and Jayne Copland" <copland@searnet.com>, "Amy Steele" <asteele@wilson.edu>, "Amy France" <moonshadowfarm@worldnet.att.net>, "Alicia Hubbell" <ahubbell@halehackstaff.com>, "Alex Luck" <dancingarab87@hotmail.com>, "Aaron O'farrell" <Aofarrell@eagledirect.com>
- Subject: Fw: Legislative alert involving all horse people
- From: "Linda Fisher" <kenlyn@idcomm.com>
- Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 20:38:39 -0600
- Organization: Kenlyn Arabians
This sounds like something we all need to respond to. Linda
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joy B" <joynetara@oz-online.net>
To: "Cynda Fells" <cyndaf@tctelco.net>; "Laura Meyer" <TOBY23726@aol.com>;
"Denise Herman Meyer" <EngAcres@aol.com>; "Kim. Vornauf"
<k_vornauf@yahoo.com>; "Anne Jennifer Ramsey" <hiddenriverfarm@hotmail.com>;
"Jerry Joan Fletcher" <Sequoia-Arabians@worldnet.att.net>; "Pam Byerley"
<pbyerley@hotmail.com>; <MWArabs@aol.com>; "marilyn taylor"
<grannymarilyn@yahoo.com>; "Kathryn V" <lacendiamonds@kscable.com>; "Joy
Benninghoven" <joynetara@oz-online.net>; "Jennifer Ramsey"
<sydney_dog@hotmail.com>; "Jeannine Vern Ahart" <MRAMIZDICE@aol.com>;
"Harold D. Thieszen" <harolddt@southwind.net>; "Deana David Pryor"
<deanarea@yahoo.com>; "Arabian Horses" <sdrarabs@informatics.net>; "Sandy
Schiller" <venture2@feist.com>; "Sandy Dorr" <ARATACK@aol.com>; "Linda
Fisher" <kenlyn@idcomm.com>; "Lois Roberts" <scalois@zianet.com>; "Cindy
Waterworth" <BAKHOELADY@aol.com>; <jdpearsall@aol.com>; "Glen R Sharon Fant
TRUE" <grtrue@glasshorsefarm.com>; "Kathleen VonDeLinde"
<kathyv@pinenet.com>; "Betty & Gene Leonard" <LeonardE@turbonet.com>;
"Betty" <xamier@earthlink.net>; "Marsha Hartung" <marshah@informatics.net>;
<mjflick@kscable.com>; "Forget-Me-Not Farm" <fmnfarm@feist.com>; "Christel
Strifler" <wildcatproperty@networksplus.net>; "Alicia Bigelow"
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 5:06 PM
Subject: Fw: Legislative alert involving all horse people
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lise Murchison" <kshorsecouncil@jbn2.jbntelco.com>
> To: <Recipient list suppressed>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 3:04 PM
> Subject: Legislative alert involving all horse people
> >To all KHC members,
> This is VERY important to all horse people. We urge you to take IMMEDIATE
> action as the date of April 9 is approaching quickly. Please read this
> respond to the address below or call the American Horse Council who is
> fighting for our rights. They cannot do this alone. WE need to bombard
> them with letters to keep this bill from passing. It will affect your
> medical insurance by denying you payment in case of an injury you receive
> while participating in an equine activity.
> Don't let this one slide by, respond ASAP.
> The Kansas Horse Council
> > Contact: American Horse Council
> >Immediate Release Phone: 202.296.4031 March 26,2001
> > Federal Agencies Propose Adverse Rules on Health Insurance Coverage
> >for Riders Regulations proposed by the Internal Revenue Service, the
> >Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration and the Health Care
> >Administration could affect people who enjoy horseback riding (and other
> >forms of recreation) by permitting health insurers to exclude coverage
> >injuries resulting from riding and other forms of "dangerous"
> >While the new proposals state that an employer cannot refuse health-care
> >coverage to an employee based on participation in recreational
> >they permit health insurers to deny coverage for injuries sustained in
> >connection with such recreational activities, effectively reaching the
> >same result. The new regulations were jointly issued by the three
> >agencies as interim rules, which means they are effective now. But the
> >public has until April 9 to comment on the proposals and such comments
> >will be considered. These proposed regulations permit exclusions from
> >health insurance coverage based on activities, including horseback
> >that Congress sought to protect. In 1966, Congress passed the Health
> >Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. As we read this Act, it
> >intended to prohibit health insurers from denying health coverage based
> >a worker's pre-existing medical condition or participation in legal
> >recreational activities. The legislative history of the Act states that
> >the law "is intended to ensure, among other things, that individuals are
> >not excluded from health-care coverage due to their participation in
> >activities such as motorcycling, snowmobiling, all-terrain vehicle
> >horseback riding, skiing and other similar activities." Recreational
> >groups, including the American Horse Council, worked to have that
> >included in the legislative history of the Act because some employers
> >insurers were discriminating against recreationalists, leaving them
> >without coverage if they were involved in recreational pursuits.
> >Incidents of discrimination involved the denial of health-care protection
> >to employees not only involved in illegal activities, like driving a car
> >while intoxicated, but also when involved in legal recreational
> >activities, such as those mentioned above. While the proposed rules
> >prohibit a person from being denied health insurance coverage simply
> >because he or she engages in riding, they also permit an insurer to
> >exclude benefits for injuries suffered while engaged in such activities.
> >This effectively excludes individuals engaged in such activities. The
> >will submit comments to the federal agencies in opposition to this
> >provision. We urge any individual or equine organization to do
> >
> Comments must be submitted by April 9 to: &SP:RU (REG-109707-97) Room
> >5226 Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 7604 Ben Franklin Station
> >Washington, DC 20044 U.S. Department of Labor Pension and Welfare
> >Benefits Administration 200 Constitution Avenue, NW Room C-5331 -
> >Attention: Nondiscrimination Comments Washington, DC 20210 Health
> >Financing Administration Department of Health and Human Services
> >Attention: HCFA-2022-IFC P.O. Box 26688 Baltimore, MD 21207 A sample
> >letter follows. Please retype it on your stationary and re-draft it to
> >make it as personal as possible. This will give it more weight. Send the
> >same letter to each agency. Do not simply send this memo in to the
> >agencies. ************
> > April X, 2001 &SP:RU
> >(REG-109707-97) Room 5226 Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 7604
> >Franklin Station Washington, DC 20044 U.S. Department of Labor
> >Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration 200 Constitution Avenue,
> >Room C-5331 - Attention: Nondiscrimination Comments Washington, DC
> > Health Care Financing Administration Department of Health and Human
> >Services Attention: HCFA-2022-IFC P.O. Box 26688 Baltimore, MD 21207
> > Dear Sir or Madam: We are writing in opposition to the
> >non-discrimination regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and
> >Accountability Act (HIPAA) proposed by your agency in January. Like
> >of millions of other American we enjoy horseback riding. We
> >as follows.. Obviously, if we are unable to purchase health insurance
> >that protects us as we participate in this legal activity, it will
> >our continued participation. These rules will affect more than just
> >An economic study commissioned by the American Horse Council shows that
> >recreational horseback riding has a $23.8 billion economic impact in the
> >U.S., supports 317,000 jobs and involves 3 million horses. This segment
> >the American horse industry is growing rapidly. Horse owners,
> >stables, outfitters, dude ranches, veterinarians and feed and tack
> >all rely on the individual rider. The rules your agency proposes will
> >adversely affect this entire industry. We support the original
> >Congressional intent of the bill, which is to protect individuals like
> >horseback riders from being discriminated against and denied health
> >insurance coverage simply because they are participating in a legal,
> >recreational activity. We urge you to change the proposed rules to
> >medical coverage, including benefits, for injuries that may occur while
> >riding and engaging in other legal, recreational activities. Thank you
> >for your consideration. Sincerely,
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