Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2001 7:11 AM
Subject: No Insurance Cover for Horse Accidents?
> Anyone who rides and also has health insurance
> needs to go to the following url and read what is
> there:
> You have until April 9 to comment on this to the Powers
> That Be. More information and contact information is
> available on the website.
> "Regulations proposed by the Internal Revenue Service, the Pension and>
Welfare> Benefits Administration and the Health Care Financing
Administration could> affect> people who enjoy horseback riding (and
other forms of recreation) by> permitting> health insurers to exclude
coverage for injuries resulting from riding and> other> forms of
"dangerous" recreation. While the new proposals state that an
> employer> cannot refuse health-care coverage to an employee based on
participation in> recreational activities, they permit health insurers to
deny coverage for> injuries> sustained in connection with such
recreational activities, effectively> reaching the> same result.
> The new regulations were jointly issued by the three federal agencies
as> interim> rules, which means they are effective now. But the public
has until April 9> to> comment on the proposals and such comments will be
> Deborah Griffin
> Gryphon D' Morgans
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