----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 8:16
Subject: RC: Funny/Sad
Kinda funny Kinda sad. I
Was searching for some picks of Loco Weed to give to my new to horses
neighbor, And guess what? A whole long list of things about Marijuana came up.
Says something about how times and our culture have changed in the last 50
years. When I was a kid, if you mentioned LocoWeed everybody knew you meant
crazy horse weed. But now, I had to look for quite awhile to find the sites I
wanted. I did fine very little, Does anyone know where I can find good
pictures of LocoWeed( not Canabus) (( I don't even know how to spell it!
)) I know there are a few varieties, I only found one.