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Re: Tucker Saddle.

Hi Kathy -
Sorry it took so long to reply. I ride with a "Treeless" and a plain old "American" brand western saddle. I also have a Natural Ride (which I"ve modified considerably). I hope you don't think I'm downgrading the Tucker, I truly wish it would have worked for my horses and me. I ride in too varied a terrain I guess, and the seat is just too far back for that saddle to work. Climbing is hard on horse and rider, downhill is easier, however in a "chair" seat (feet on the dashboard) it would be. I gave myself a budget of $2000 to buy a saddle, and just happened to come across the used American (used 1x, $400). I got lucky with finding that one. I wanted a treed saddle to alternate with the treeless model, and to have a spare in case a friend went riding. I rode the saddle for about a week and a half before buying it.
BTW, the breastcollar, stirrups, trail bridle, ventilator pad, round pad, canteen, martingale attatchment, all came from Tucker. It's just their saddle that didn't work out.
I ride bareback a lot, also, and you naturally have your feet underneath you, so when you shop for saddles, you'll really notice what will work and what won't.
Hope this helps -
Cheryl in WNY
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, March 19, 2001 11:57 PM
Subject: Tucker Saddle.

Hi Cheryl:
I found what you said about the Tucker saddle very interesting. I happen to
be eye deep in my own saddle search and I'm wondering what saddle you use.  
Kathy Z

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