Re: RC: UAE/AERC (my final stupid remarks)
Here's a good rule that I violate often enough to know better: never write
"for publication" at night. At night, logic tends to go to hell in a
handbasket. I had an advantage last night because, for me, it was breakfast
time--still haven't got my body clock turned around from UAE time.
Ok, I see your point, and appreciate it. There is going to be a problem with
pro/am divisions in the future. But we've seen this coming for a few years
now. Rather than fight what is inevitable we should be finding ways to
accommodate it.
I'll never get a chance to play a round of golf with Tiger Woods. In fact,
that opportunity was probably lost when he was 7 years old. My golfing
division is the Squirrel Hunter's division, that tees up at dusk and uses
driving range balls because it really doesn't matter if you can see where the
damned things land or not.
But i don't begrudge Tiger his seven billion a year or whatever he makes.
He's among the best. I'm among the worst. Same sport, though. Tiger's
probably glad to have me around, dropping those Nike balls into the drink at
every opportunity. And, if I tried, I could probably get a sponsor--Auto
Glass of America should love my technique.
Howard, you're like me--you'll never compete at the top. And, at some point
in the future, you won't be able to rub elbows with those at the top--you'll
just be in the way. The endurance sport is not at that level of popularity
yet, but someday it may be.
I watched Rita Swift fall off her horse with heat stroke--and get back on, to
wobble through the vet gate on a horse that could have won the whole thing.
Tom and Rita work two jobs in order to support this bad habit of theirs, and,
for some reason, Sheikh Mohammed has decided he likes this tough little girl.
I met them for the first time in person in the UAE and I can see why they're
appreciated--total dedication, far beyond what you or I could ever muster.
There are many others like the Swifts out there--not quite at the very top
but coming on strong. And another whole pack of very dedicated people on the
next lower rung.
At 57, I've been involved in one sport or another for 45 years. When I was
young, I enjoyed the competition and it was very good for me--taught me
discipline, taught me to face pain head on. Now that i am too old to compete
at just about anything, I still enjoy the competitors. The courage. The
blood, sweat and tears of competition. From now on, just watching Rita ride
will probably bring tears to my eyes. I was there for the toughest moments of
her life. And saw her get back into the saddle. This, to me, was a great and
memorable moment in sport--a private thing that just a few witnessed.
Now, Howard, you and I will never rise to this level in endurance sport--I
was a swimmer and had my taste of glory long ago. You probably excelled at
something when you were young. But in the endurance sport, we are, at best,
accessories. We can only be "crew". We can only help the best be better. We
can only help the second level and third level competitors rise to the top.
That's enough for me.
I don't ride at all. I don't experience the fun you have out on the
trail--can't. Too old. Too sick. Too tired. What I can still do is think.
Read and think. I have all the time in the world for that. And luckily there
is room for somebody like me in the "crew" category. Little Rita gave me a
big hug in the UAE and Tom shook my hand--because I've been able to help a
little. That's enough. Way more than enough.
Howard, don't get in the way. Help when you can. There is much to do in this
sport. It can be much more than it is today. And there will still be room for
pleasure rides. Still room for enjoyment for everyone. The sport is in
transition. Give to the sport. Don't try to tear parts of it down.
Tom Ivers, President
Equine Racing Systems, Inc.
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