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UAE/AERC (my final stupid remarks)

In a message dated 3/27/01 11:33:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, CMKSAGEHIL 

<< Furthermore, I have to agree with Doc Newell--if you think our vets are 
for sale--you're crazy!  >>

Well, heck, I know I'm crazy.  Certified in three states and two countries.  
That's beside the point.

Talk about twising around what I was trying to say.  But, hey, since I am 
nuts, maybe, I didn't get my point across very well.  Soooooo, let me try it 

I don't think any vets are paid off.  And that's really not what I meant.  
What I meant was PERCEPTION.  When businesses sponsor events, of course, 
there's nothing wrong with that.  It's clear why they are doing what they're 
doing.  To help sell their product.

With the UAE, it's not clear.  At least not to me.  What I was trying to say 
was if it's not clear why they're sponsoring the FEI sanctioning of our 
National Championship, then there is the perception, by some, that 
something's not right.  And some might wonder why the UAE would do such a 
thing.  What's the motive?    

If one entity pours tons of money into something, don't you think there might 
be strings attached?  The rich (like I would know) don't throw money around 
just to make others happy.  They, usually, have their own agenda.

And when they compete in the same sport where they are sponsoring large sums 
of cash, might there not be a conflict of interest there?  And when they 
offer up large purses for riders who are in the top FEI ranking, a ranking 
that they control, might this not be perceived as questionable?  And isn't 
the next move to make the events themselves ones where the winner, second and 
third place, is awarded cash?

I mentioned payola, bribery, bought and paid for, to get your attention, 
since you,  didn't seem to understand Randy's explanation of conflict of 
interest.  I do believe the reason the board turned down the UAE offer is 
because of perception.  They didn't want it "perceived" that the AERC was now 
operating it's National Championship Endurance "run" under the auspices of 
the UAE.  

I'll shut up now since my words seem to be getting reactions that are rather 
personal.  I do apologize to you, Heidi, for coming on a bit strong.  It was 
because I thought Randy's last post was exceptional and I was upset that you 
didn't "get it." 

This subject intrigues me and it's not going to go away any time soon.  I was 
hoping to be part of the discussion, but when we start calling each other 
stupid and racist (I can live with crazy) I guess it's time for me to bow out 
of that game and let the Doctors and Gods take over.  


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