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Re: RC: AERC/UAE sponsorship

In a message dated 3/26/01 12:07:11 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

AERC did not accept a donation from UAE to assist in
the establishment of a higher class ride.  This is "head in the sand"
attitude. And one of the reasons I think of our current National
Championships as a joke in terms of competition.

Really? I am glad they didn't because not everyone in AERC apparently had the
option of choosing, nor does everyone in AERC want to either support that
type of thing or compete in it. I rather think more of AERC for having
patience in the best interests of its ownership/constituency -whatever one
wants to call it. Call me naive, but bigger, more or fancier is not
necessarily better. I don't care to have part of our families'' AERC dues,
etc, channeled into an activity or venue that, A., none of our family are
interested in, and B., are not even convinced AERC should be delving into. I
won't say that as a member or we, as a family, will never be supportive of
such a venture - I am saying that at this point in time, AERC is evolving in
some ways and we should not be pushed into growth, evolution or any other
change without considerable thought AND the enthusiastic support of its
members - ALL the members.

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