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Re: need help with separation anxiety issues in young horse
> The only remaining problem is that when Dakota origially came back form
> this....person....he suddenly had alot of anxiety about being separated
> other horses, and the problem hasn't resolved with time
I can only speak from what has been working with my comming five Anglo Arab
mare......when I got her she had NEVER been away from other horses, and of
course, bonded to mine immediately. But, part of how I handle her daily,
between ponying and riding, is that she gets tied to a tree for an hour or
so (with hay bag), to remain saddled, and especially contemplate her life
and understand that she does have to do what people ask of her. Anyway,
this started where she could see the other horses; at first she was upset
and pawed, at their commings and goings, but over 4 months, we have
progressed to where I can move her progressively farther and farther from
the other horses, to where now, she can't even see them.....and she is okay.
Given that I Have about 130 trees on the property, I can sure move her
Also, after every ride and I unload the other horses, she gets to hang out
in the trailer by herself for an hour.........I also try to haul her by
herself on some little outing once a week, and go out with me leading her,
OFF the property and away from the herd......in a nutshell, I spend a lot of
time separating her from the other horses some way every darn day.
It IS PAYING OFF! She is learing she can be by herself and the world won't
end, and she was a true basket case when I got her!
I have been doing this with my baby since day one (she is comming 2), and
she is very laid back about being by herself.
Just a thought, if Karen has the time (and trees), do to this.....
Karen Sullivan
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