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Re: Foreign interests>
Re; Randy's info, I am glad
to hear that decision was reversed. That is way to close for comfort. I have
felt for some time that "our" sport was getting sold down river at an alarming
rate. And while some individuals are reaping big pay-days with an occasional big
horse sale, the VAST majority, the MEAT of AERC is about to be shafted,
The assault is coming at a regular and fast growing rate. The "A" in
AERC stands for AMERICAN! Competing on a world level is one thing. Go for
it if you want. I'll crew for you!! But selling our soul is quite another.
Recognize the difference. I really resent the feeling of possibly being
dragged into an unrecognizable, money oriented sport, that I can not
possibly participate in, by people I don't even know! There are a growing
number of extreme self serving interests in our midst's. BEWARE, when the door
slams shut it will be to late. You will have only yourself to blame. If
you are a member, and only do a few rides a year, don't think you don't count,
you are "IT" You are the vast majority, you are AERC ! And you need to learn the
issues, and speak up. Grass roots is a term often bandied about, but it is what
we really need to strengthen. There are a few good old die-hards that have
fought hard to keep it rite, they need more back-up. Annie George
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