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Tom Ivers Horsescience list

Here's the addy for Tom list:
The website is

when the site comes up, you have to go to the egroups *home page*
(look at the top right of your screen for & click egroups home page)
and join egroups first. This is an egroups user ID and a password.
Then egroups will send you confirmation by Email right away to your
email address.

 Then, go back to the addy I have listed above
and you have to resgister for the horsescience
list group.  (there are MANY egroup lists on many subjects).
You'll see where to click  where it says " you're not a member of this
group.. want to join?"
If you don't want the digest, you can choose "web only" and then just
read (or post) from the internet and not your mail box.
Tom requires your real name (if it's not in your Email addy) when you
enter the "personal account info" or he denies access.

It's all free, but the horsescience group is a closed list (Tom or Danni
have to approve the list participants). WiIth Tom in Dubai, if Danni's
right on the ball, you can do this right away and be a member in
minutes.. if not, I'm sure it won't take too long.
Tom doesn't put up with ANY chit-chat, flames, or OPINIONS.
One screw-up and he'll bump a list member off.



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