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RE: RC: RE: RE: Worlds Most Preferred--Really?
You are right, others are making the bucks from American innovations,
but we ARE STILL innovators. And I did make a point that we have to
stay competitive, didn't I?
I don't know why you are so down on Americans. We have a lot
going for us, we just shouldn't get to complacent about it,
I agree about that point. But we aren't as stupid as you
make us out to be. We just have to build on what we already
have, which I believe is considerable.
We should NOT compare ourselves with the racing industry.
If we strive to be like the racing industry, then Bob Morris
is right, the horse becomes an expendable commodity.
And - shudder - heresy - burn the witch at the stake....
Tom Ivers is NOT God! He's an brilliant innovator, an experimenter,
a wealth of knowledge - but he's a race track guy, not
an experienced endurance competitor. Yes, we all learn
an INCREDIBLE amount from him, and I'm hooked on it too.
He's feeding us an incredible amount of knowledge of
sports physiology and we all lap it up like the "GOT MILK"
commercial. But we have to take all of this knowledge
and translate it to the context of our sport. The
biochemistry is different for a flat track race vs. endurance.
Teddy, is he an American?
Yes, the moneys not in endurance, but there's a lot more
heart in the sport. When you look at the veterinary fees
for an endurance ride and compare it to what happens at the
track, the endurance veterinarians have a lot of heart.
Oh shoot - Bob Morris, I'm beginning to see your point.
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