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RE: RC: RE: RE: Worlds Most Preferred--Really?

Teddy says:
<<The USA needs to make use of modern technology,
and we aren't.  History tells us, as a nation, we
fall short when it comes to being innovative or
even WILLING to listen.  Horse Racing in the USA
is a joke compared to Sweden and Japan (to name a
few).  Endurance is getting to be the same way.>>

Teddy - as a retailer, can you tell us were the following
products were invented?  I bet it's all American!

Heart rate monitors for horses
Endurance saddlery (e.g. Orthoflex)
Paste electrolytes for horses
Biothane Tack
Neoprene Tack

Is the UAE funding research like the Pride Project
and Gayle Eckers studies?  This is a lot different from
funding Tom Ivers.  Without this empirical data, Tom
Ivers wouldn't be able to do what he does.

In the business world, USA are innovators.  Japan
just takes the innovations and perfects it, but they
are not innovators.  This is well documented. (And I
am of Japanese ancestry, but alas, American in mindform.)

Where was the first acknowledged endurance competition?

The only thing that the UAE has over us is the money.
They can buy expertise and our horses, but don't forget
that it's OUR expertise and OUR horses they are buying.

Kinda wierd, isn't it?  American Arabian horse going back
to the Middle East where they were originally derived from.
They are also buying Arabians from Australia, huh?


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