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Worlds Most Preferred--Really?
> It is not that the US is behind in the use of the technology, it is the US
> is a place where the every day citizen can participate in Endurance
> Competition.
Yes we are.....and even more so on the "backyard"
rides..... we do not use what is available to us.
(these are generalities, you do understand).
> There are plenty of competitors in the US using Tom's knowledge (they do
> what they can, cannot afford to hire him though) there are plenty of
> competitors out riding the top FEI riders on a limited budget.
Tom's knowledge is almost free...buy the book,
then avail yourself of his expertise via telephone
or e-mail at little cost.
A thorough understanding of his exercise
physiology as well as the inability to apply it
properly is what is lacking in the
majority...including Valerie.
> Now, If you are worried that Tom is selling his knowledge why do you not
> come up with a method to out bid the Arabs and keep him here for our team?
> With out business sponsorship our sport will have no money.
Me, worried? I am tickled to death for him. he
is good and deserves to be paid for his knowledge,
unlike the speakers at our convention or those who
write for AERC News whom our BOD has decided NOT
to pay.
Bottom line: you get what you pay for (and if
lucky, a lot more).
Luck is NOT what this sport is about. Sponsorship
is what we need. But it is ALL being approached
from the wrong angle.
As has been discussed MANY times in the past,
there is room for the "backyard rider" and there
is room for those who want to ride
internationally. Those who are good enough get
noticed, get sponsored and stay near the top....IF
that is what they desire. If not, they can keep
doing well in their region and get regional or
national awards....
Different strokes for different folks.
BUT, when you decide to play at the top, it is no
longer "playing". It is serious business and that
requires money.
I applaud the UAE, for they are the ones who are
making this sport well known throughout the world.
I will bet you the UAE will be the FIRST to do
SERIOUS research AND apply it. They are getting
VERY educated, VERY fast.
BTW, due to pressure from several good friends,
Tom is FINALLY going to see a USA FEI ride..... it
only took 20 years and I guarantee you he is NOT
doing it for the money.....
Teddy Lancaster
Home at last!!!! 10,000 miles, 18 states, 6 weeks.
Next Attending Equine Affaire April 5-9, 2001,
Columbus, OH
If they are shooting at you, you must be doing
something right--
Does this mean I cannot tell the Emperor he has
no clothes unless I have a Kingdom?
Running Bear Farm, Inc.
1348 Township Road 256
Kitts Hill, Ohio, 45645 USA -
1-800-533-2327, FAX: 740-533-0337
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