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I just had to share a comment someone made to me recently because I
considered the comment a compliment and my husband thought it was insulting.
A person we know casually was asking us where we live. I told her the
general area where we live and she said, "Oh, you live near that person with
the crappy house and the incredible horses. Do you know who that is?" I
said, "What horses?" She went on to describe both the house and the horses
involved. I said, "That's my crappy house and my incredible horses." She
says, "No, you're an attorney; you don't live in this house. It's tiny. And
the horses are really amazing -- all different breeds, but each horse is
REALLY good for its breed." I said the house at such and such address (my
address) and the woman says yeah. I say, "Really, honestly, that's my
house." She says oh and looks embarrassed. I thought it was cool she
thought my horses were so good. My husband was embarrassed she thought our
house was so bad. Shoot, we just sleep there; what's the big deal?
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